Well let’s start off with what mobility is.
When people hear this they think of flexibility. Being able to touch your toes or do the splits.
It’s kinda like that but way more.
Flexibility is simply the length at which the muscle can go
Mobility is the ability to move a limb through its full range of motion. It is a controlled voluntary movement through its entire functional range of motion.
So why is it important and needed in your training?
Mobility designates exercises that will increase your range-of-motion and control of the muscles that surround each joint. Mobility incorporates flexibility and strength, and it’s crucial to help you squat deeper, push harder, and jump higher.
Completing a workout with limited range-of-motion, will lead your assistance muscles to start to compensate. If you do this you will be forcing your smaller weaker assistance muscles to handle excessive torque. That is just asking for an injury. Even more if your lifts aren’t activating primary muscles because you can’t achieve full range-of-motion, you probably won’t even build the muscle you’re working toward.
How to do mobility right
Don’t think of mobility as a specific type of workout, but rather as a general athletic skill, like strength or power or speed.
And as with building strength or speed, you need to build mobility with multiple techniques.
Myofascial work like foam rolling or ball rolling,
Controlled dynamic stretches,
Bodyweight movements, like the squat or lunge.
Most important: move slowly and deliberately. Controlled dynamic stretching will increase joint range-of-motion and enhance muscle power better than both static stretching
Second, base your warm-up on your workout. Before lower-body workouts, do hip circles, legs swings, and Buddha squat holds to open up the musculature around your hips, quads, hamstrings, calves, and ankles. Before upper-body workouts, do arm crossovers or shoulder circles to increase range-of-motion in the shoulders (specifically the rotator cuff).
Matching your warm-up with your workout will not only activate the muscles you’re focusing on, but also cement proper joint alignment and muscle activation in your
So if you want to prevent injuries and get strong always do mobility work when you workout! You can do 10-15 minutes per and post workout so you can keep your body healthy and safe.